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Buying baby food, or tempting the feline appetite

Добавлено: 05 мар 2018, 06:48

In the past six months, our elderly cat has gone from being a happily-scarf-down-anything feline to the provervial picky eater. After years of being perfectly satisfied with Science Diet, he will no longer touch the stuff. He's even lost interest in many of the human foods for which he used to beg incessantly and consume with relish. He still begs, he just doesn't eat things when you give them to him. He just takes a sniff, maybe gives it a lick and then turns his nose up. The "he'll eat when he gets hungry enough" plan we tried at first was unsuccessful. He lost several pounds.

He's healthy enough, or at least our vet's not too concerned about him otherwise. (He's been on pills for hyperthyroidism for a few years and his kidneys aren't what they once were.) After conducting various tests, she just said, "Sometimes old cats get that way," and recommended feeding him whatever we could get him to eat. We've gone through a series of progressively goopier cat foods, each of which he ate for a while and then rejected. Now, the only thing we can get him to eat reliably is baby food, in the all-meat flavors.

These seem to come only in tiny jars at high prices. Meijer is the cheapest source we've found for Gerber baby food, at 69 cents per jar. Jewel and Dominick's each want about 20 cents more than that. Since, on good days, our cat will eat four jars full, the cost is adding up (not to mention the empty jars, which I somehow can't bring myself to recycle). Anyone got a line on a cheap source of all-meat baby food? Or any other suggestions?

Please help

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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